6 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle Before the Winters

There’s nothing better than a cup of hot cocoa in front of a fireplace during winter. But for homeowners, there’s one thing that might be even better than this: home improvement projects.

Although no one wants to get out of their warm blankets, winter offers the perfect timing for homeowners to improve their houses due to two reasons:

Affordable Materials and Labor Cost

Home Light shares 91% of agents believe contractors and builders are busiest during the summer. Additionally, 67% of agents believe that material and labor costs for home improvement projects are lowest in the off-season (October – March). 

Preparing for the Summer Influx

Various cities in the US expect a surge in tourists during specific seasons, and some have only recently become tourist hotspots. In 2021, for instance, Grand Traverse caught the traveler’s eye. Since then, it has become a trendy destination for holidayers, with a record number of passengers and flights going in and out of Cherry Capital Airport. In 2021, the number of passengers to this small county increased by 20,000. In the subsequent years, there was a gradual increase in passengers and flights. In 2023, there will be an 18% increase in flight seats to accommodate the increasing number of people who want to visit this county. 

These statistics show that there will be an increase in short-term rentals in Grand Traverse this summer. The visitors might also be looking for Airbnb options for their stay in the county. 

Home Improvement Projects to Tackle Before the Winters

Whether you want to prepare your house for Airbnb rentals, sell it during the winter, or improve its overall look, here are some home improvement projects you can take up before the wintertime:

1. Bathroom Remodeling 

According to the New York Times, a bathroom remodel can recoup a 60% value upon selling. The median selling price of houses in Grand Traverse is $215,000. So, if you’re willing to strike a profitable deal, upgrades like bathroom remodels will prove worthwhile. 

However, when considering bathroom remodels in Grand Traverse, hiring reliable contractors is a must. Alongside professional services, they offer personalized installations, flexible financing options, superior bath products, warranty protection, etc. They’ll also help inspect and tackle various issues in your bathroom. 

If you don’t have plumbing issues in your bathroom, a bathtub replacement can work wonders for enhancing the bathroom’s overall look. But if you have old plumbing pipes, replacing them is best during winters – given that the temperature hasn’t fallen below freezing point. 

2. Replace Flooring 

Carpets are a great way to make your place look cozy. However, it can accumulate a lot of dust and debris. Carpets are also tough to clean. So, if you have pets and children in the house, it is time to replace the flooring with laminate or hardwood.

3. Declutter

Wintertime offers a great opportunity to declutter and organize the house since you spend most of your time indoors.

To declutter, select the things you won’t need in the next year and donate them. You probably won’t need more space after decluttering, but if you still want to organize the leftover things properly, you can go for new cabinets. You can make them yourself or get a carpenter to build them if you have the budget. Considering the DIY approach might prove budget-friendly here. 

4. Paint Interiors

Although colder temperatures don’t let the exterior paint cure properly, you can safely add a fresh coat of paint indoors. If you don’t plan on doing the paint job yourself, you can get professional painters at a low price and during the dates you want.

While you can save money if you paint yourself, choosing a professional has a lot of benefits. They can help you choose a color that gives you the desired look. So, if you want a dramatic look in a small bedroom, purple might give you the effect but will make the room look smaller; here, the professional might give you a color choice that tackles both these factors.

Secondly, professional painters have the expertise and the tools to deliver a flawless finish to the paint job. So, you can rely on them if you aim to transform the look of your place. 

5. Fill up Any Cracks Outdoors and in the Basement

During winters, the cold, dry air naturally expands the cracks in and around the house. When this happens, they will be more prominent and noticeable. But you can easily fill them up with caulk. Nonetheless, ensure you’re not filling the outdoor cracks just before it snows. When caulk is applied in such conditions, it may not cure properly, resulting in a rough and unsightly finish.

When examining the cracks, look for signs of foundational damage. If you attempt to repair cracks that require professional intervention, it will only worsen the existing damage because you’re delaying the problem.

6. Replace Windows and Doors

Window and door replacement is an inexpensive and simple way to improve your house’s curb appeal and increase its value. But even though it is inexpensive, it might become complex if you don’t have experience or the right tools for the job. You might also not be able to complete the job before the temperatures drop or before it starts snowing. When the project is left midway, who knows when you will find the motivation to restart it?

In this case, hiring someone who knows how to do the job is better. Professionals can help you choose doors and windows that will complement your home and install them quickly and one at a time to minimize heat loss. 


For several reasons, winter is the best time for home repairs and improvements. If you plan on renting out or selling your house, making it look appealing in the months before the season can help you get a better rate. But if you don’t plan on renting it out, winter is still a great time to get professional services because they charge low and can be available on your given dates. Upgrades like bathroom remodeling can prove exceptionally beneficial since they not only boost functionality but also increase property value. Likewise, window replacement and paint jobs are other projects you must tackle before the winter.

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