What Is Stockade Fence?

Are you curious to know what is stockade fence? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about stockade fence in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is stockade fence?

What Is Stockade Fence?

A stockade fence is a type of fence that is constructed using vertical boards that are tightly fitted together to create a solid barrier. These boards are typically made from wood, although other materials like vinyl or metal can also be used.

The primary function of a stockade fence is to provide privacy and security. The tightly fitted boards create a solid barrier that blocks the view of the area enclosed by the fence, making it difficult for people to see inside. This can be especially useful for homeowners who want to create a private outdoor space or who live in areas with high foot traffic.

Another benefit of a stockade fence is that it provides a high level of security. The solid construction of the fence makes it difficult for intruders to climb over or breakthrough, making it an effective deterrent against burglars or other criminals.

In addition to its practical benefits, a stockade fence can also add aesthetic value to a property. The natural look of wood can complement a variety of architectural styles and landscaping designs, and many homeowners choose to stain or paint their fences to match their home’s exterior.

Despite its benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to a stockade fence. For one, it can be more expensive to install than other types of fencing due to the amount of material required. Additionally, the solid construction of the fence can make it more susceptible to damage from weather or other factors, and repairs may be more difficult and costly.


In conclusion, a stockade fence is a type of fence that provides privacy, security, and aesthetic value to a property. While it may be more expensive to install and require more maintenance than other types of fencing, it can be an effective solution for homeowners who want to create a private and secure outdoor space.

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What Is A Stockade Fence Used For?

The rough-hewn saplings had gaps that were filled with moss and mud to make more of a windbreak. Today’s reasons for building a stockade fence are much different. A stockade is used as a wood privacy fence, to protect a garden, or for decoration around a house or property perimeter.

Why Is It Called A Stockade Fence?

A stockade fence is named after the fortifications often used at military and frontier outposts, which consisted of logs sharpened to a point and stuck in the ground.

What Kind Of Wood Is A Stockade Fence?

The most common types of wood that stockade fences come in are spruce, cedar, pine, redwood, and pressure-treated.

What Are The Two Types Of Fences?

5 Different Types of Fences for Your Yard

  • Wood fence. Wood fences offer better security protection and greater privacy than most other types of fencing materials, and they can be as plain or as detailed as your budget allows. 
  • Chain link fence. 
  • Steel or aluminum fence. 
  • Vinyl fence. 
  • Wrought Iron fence.


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