How To Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works?

Using a clogged toilet is embarrassing, so learn how to unclog toilet when nothing works! Cleaning a toilet is not a fun job when it malfunctions or clogs. It is a bit tough to deal with a stinky clogged toilet when you have guests in your house. A severely blocked toilet can interrupt your household completely. In today’s post, I will show you how to unclog a toilet fast when nothing else works. By using some basic tools, you can easily unclog your toilet within a couple of minutes. You can keep on reading to know how to unclog toilet when nothing works

How To Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works?

You can easily learn how to unblock a badly blocked toilet by the following methods.

  1. By Using Dish Soap and Hot Water
  2. By Using Wet/Dry Cleaner
  3. By Using A Plunger
  4. By Using A Plumbing Snake
  5. By Using Baking Soda and Vinegar
  6. By Using A Wire Hanger
  7. By Using An Enzyme Product
  8. By Using A Chemical Drain Cleaner
  9. By Using Bleach
  10. By Contacting A Plumber

The only materials meant to go down your toilets are toilet paper and human waste. If you flush unwanted paper or hygiene products down the toilet, your toilet will surely get clogged. Without wasting much time, let us now check out how to unclog toilet when nothing works.

Different Ways To Unclog Toilet

You’ll find several unclogging toilet tricks on Google and YouTube. Here, I’ve short-listed a few options you can try to know how to unclog toilet when nothing works.

1. By Using Dish Soap and Hot Water

You can easily unclog a clogged toilet by using hot, boiling water and dish soap! Simply boil a gallon of water and allow it to cool off to a warm temperature. Now, add a few drops of dish soap into the toilet bowl and then pour the warm water. Wait for a while to give it some time to react. Lastly, flush the toilet so that the solution pushes out any remaining clogs.

You can keep on reading to know more about how to unclog toilet when nothing works.

2. By Using Wet/Dry Cleaner

Sometimes, you have to remove the clog by sucking it out. This method can be a bit weird but is highly effective. First, wear rubber gloves and then use the vacuum to suck out the water. Put the vacuum hose again into the toilet and gently push it into the drain to create a suction effect. Now, switch on the vacuum to suck out the clog from the toilet.

3. By Using A Plunger

Every homeowner must have a plunger for clogged toilet emergencies. Before you start, wear rubber gloves and then insert the rubber part of the plunger into the toilet bowl. Slowly start pushing down the plunger till you achieve a tighter vacuum. Now, pull out the plunger allowing everything to flow down the drain. Repeat the vacuuming method a few times if required.

Keep on reading further to know how to unclog toilet when nothing works including a plunger.

4. By Using A Plumbing Snake

A plumbing snake can easily unclog a toilet. It is a flexible wire that is mostly used for cleaning toilets. Wear rubber gloves and insert one end of the plumbing snake into the toilet. Slowly twist and push it down the toilet till you feel some resistance from inside. Continue performing the movements till you achieve zero obstruction. You can now flush the toilet and check the flow of water. Repeat the process again if you notice a sluggish flow.

5. By Using Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar is a perfect readily available solution to deal with unclogged toilets! Mix two cups of water and one cup of baking soda thoroughly and pour it into the toilet bowl. After this, pour 2 cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl. Wait for a while till the vinegar gets deep into the toilet. Thus, vinegar and baking soda will loosen up blocked materials and allow water to flow freely.

After using baking soda, keep on reading to know how to unclog toilet when nothing works.

6. By Using A Wire Hanger

When you don’t have the necessary tools to unclog your toilet, you can use your wire coat hanger! First, you have to loosen and straighten up the hanger. Cover one end of the wire with an old towel. Use duct tape to secure the fabric in one place. Now, wear rubber gloves and insert the covered end into the bowl. Twist and push it down into the drain to remove any clogs. Stop pushing when the water starts to drain.

7. By Using An Enzyme Product

Did you know that an enzyme product can liquefy waste materials in toilets? Yes, you can use an enzyme product to unclog your toilet quickly. You simply have to pour enough amount of the enzyme into the bowl and wait till it works on the clogs. After a while, flush your toilet to check whether the waste has been eliminated to allow easy water flow.

8. By Using A Chemical Drain Cleaner

If you are wondering how to unclog toilet when nothing works, use a chemical drain cleaner for the best results! A chemical drain cleaner can easily dissolve organic waste and flush it down the drain. You simply have to pour enough amount of the chemical solution into the toilet bowl. Wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes and then flush to push down the obstruction. Make sure you be very careful while using drain cleaner as it contains toxic substances.

9. By Using Bleach

Do you know how to unclog a toilet with poop still in it? In this case, household bleach works better than other products. All you have to do is pour two cups of bleach into the toilet bowl and wait till it dissolves the poop. Now, flush the toilet to remove any clogs. You can repeat this method a few times until you unclog the toilet completely.

10. By Contacting A Plumber

You have to call a plumber if you fail to understand how to unclog toilet when nothing works. Sometimes, you need professional help to completely solve his problem. Contacting a plumber is the only option left if you don’t have the necessary tools to unclog a toilet. A plumber will check and remove all the material clogging the toilet in a few minutes.

You can learn much more about various topics on

How To Unclog Indian Toilet When Nothing Works?

While working on a clogged Indian toilet, you can use a mop, coat hanger, or toilet brush to get it functioning again. You can also use the baking soda and vinegar solution to unclog your toilet.


Why My Toilet Won’t Unclog With Plunger?

You need water, not air, pressure to loosen the clog. If your toilet lacks water, pour in enough water till the plunger is covered. Use a gentle plunge initially since a hard one will force air back around the seal, blowing water all over you and your bathroom floor.

Can A Plunger Make A Toilet Clog Worse?

Many people think that a forceful push into the plunger is what frees up the clog, but this can often worsen the problem. In fact, pushing the plunger in with enough force can even break the seal of the toilet gasket (the seal between the toilet and the floor where the plumbing exits).

How Do You Unclog A Deep Clogged?

Pouring a cup of baking soda and then a cup of vinegar into a drain pipe can produce a chemical reaction that is sometimes effective at clearing deeper blockages. Make sure to follow up with hot water to melt away any remaining debris.

What Is The Strongest Thing To Unclog A Toilet?

Start by using a plunger, which creates a vacuum to force clogs out of drains. Heavy-duty plungers with either ball-shaped heads or rubber flanges on the bottom are much more effective than conventional suction cup-shaped plungers. Make sure the toilet bowl contains enough water to submerge the head of the plunger.

Why won’t My Toilet Unclog With A Plunger?

You need water, not air, pressure to loosen the clog. If your toilet lacks water, pour in enough water till the plunger is covered. Use a gentle plunge initially since a hard one will force air back around the seal, blowing water all over you and your bathroom floor.

What Is The Strongest Thing To Unclog A Toilet?

Caustic Soda

Caustic soda is a nasty chemical that can burn, but it’s very effective for unclogging toilets. To use this chemical, you need to get some rubber gloves and eye protection. You can pick the chemical from the local hardware or grocery stores.


In the above post, I’ve discussed how to unclog toilet when nothing works in detail. Flushing toilets can be impossible when it gets clogged. It is best to take immediate action when you can’t find a plumber right away. To unclog your toilet, you can use dish soap, a wire hanger, baking soda, vinegar, or even a plunger to get the job done. You can also use an enzyme product, chemical drain cleaner, or bleach to treat severe clogging. Once you learn how to unclog toilet when nothing works, you can easily handle such embarrassing moments with no fear.

How do you unblock a badly clogged toilet