What Deficiency Causes Dark Circles?

Do you know what deficiency causes dark circles? Dark circles are very difficult to rid of. They can make you appear older than you actually are! So, in my today’s post, I’ll tell you what food deficiency causes dark circles under the eyes. Here, I have even given some best vitamins for dark circles. You can keep on reading to know what deficiency causes dark circles in detail.

What Deficiency Causes Dark Circles?

There are several factors that cause sudden dark circles under the eyes. In this section, I’ll tell you what deficiency causes dark circles.

  • Fatigue

Having irregular sleeping habits can cause dark circles under your eyes. In fact, sleep deprivation, extreme fatigue, or just staying up for a few hours can cause your skin to dull and pale.

  • Age

Another common cause of dark circles under your eyes is aging. So, as you get older, you lose the fat and collagen needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity. This makes the blood vessels beneath your skin more visible.

  • Eye Strain

Constantly staring at your television, computer screen, or smartphone can cause significant strain on your eyes. In fact, it causes blood vessels around your eyes to enlarge and darken.

  • Allergies

Allergic reactions to harmful bacteria can cause itchiness, redness, and puffy eyes. It makes your blood vessels dilate and results in dark shadows beneath your eyes.

  • Dehydration

When you don’t drink the proper amount of water, your skin starts to look dull. So, due to dehydration, your eyes look sunken causing dark circles under your eyes.

  • Sun Over-exposure

Keeping your skin exposed to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin. So, too much exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation in the surrounding eyes to darken.

  • Genetics

Family history also plays an important role in developing dark circles under the eyes. Other medical conditions such as thyroid can also result in dark circles beneath your eyes.

  • Smoking

Nicotine is very hazardous to our health. It is a sleep disruptor that can lead to sleep apnea which may lead to dark under-eye circles.

  • Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition. In this condition, under-eye circles might be more apparent during flare-ups.

Let us now find out what vitamin deficiency causes dark circles under the eyes.

  • Vitamin Deficiency

Dark circles can also be caused due to improper diet and vitamin deficiency. Below, I have explained what vitamin deficiency causes dark circles

  • Vitamin K

When you are Vitamin K deficient, the blood capillaries around the eye begin to break. This can darken your eye area.

  • Vitamin E

When Vitamin E is absent in your body, your skin will appear quite dull and show some signs of ageing. This vitamin helps your skin look radiant and fresh.

  • Vitamin C

The deficiency in Vitamin C affects your skin elasticity and blood vessels. Vitamin C deficiency darkens the skin around your eyes.

Keep on reading to know what nutritional deficiency causes dark circles under the eyes.

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency enhances the appearance of dark circles under your eye area. This deficiency also decreases collagen production and doesn’t help to fight against wrinkles.

Keep on reading to know what mineral deficiency causes dark circles under the eyes.

  • Iron

Iron deficiency means that your body cells do not have enough oxygen. People who are anaemic are often prone to dark circles under their eyes.

You can keep on reading to know what are the best treatments for dark circles.

How To Remove Dark Circles Permanently?

There are several treatments to treat and remove dark circles permanently. Some of the best and most commonly used treatments are given below.

  • Place a few ice cubes in a washcloth and apply it directly to your eyes. This can help to reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels.
  • Make sure you sleep for at least seven to eight hours to prevent dark circles from appearing.
  • You can also apply cold tea bags to your eyes to treat and reduce their appearance. It can help stimulate blood circulation and shrink your blood vessels.
  • You can also go for chemical treatments such as chemical peels, laser surgery, or tissue fillers to reduce pigmentation.
  • Dark circles under the eyes can be due to liver problems. So, make sure you minimize alcohol intake.
  • One solution to help address this deficiency and minimize the appearance of dark circles is to use the Best Vitamin K Eye Cream for Dark Circles. This type of eye cream can help to nourish and strengthen the delicate skin around the eyes, while also promoting healthy blood circulation and reducing inflammation.

You can learn much more on various topics on prozgo.com


What Vitamin Am I Lacking If I Have Dark Circles?

Vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin B12, E, K and D, have been associated with dark circles. 4- Volume Loss: Hollowness or the sunken appearance of the eyelids is the final primary cause of dark circles.

Which Mineral Deficiency Can Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Vitamins & Minerals Deficiencies. Iron & Vitamin B12 is important for the production of haemoglobin which carries oxygen to the cells. Therefore, low levels of Iron & Vitamin B12 can result in inadequate oxygenation of the tissues which can lead to dark circles.

Can Zinc Deficiency Cause Dark Circles?

If your body lacks vitamin C, iron or zinc from nutritious foods, the first signs of the deficiency may be dark circles under your eyes.

Will Iron Pills Help Dark Circles?

The under-eye area is connected to kidney health, and dark rings can indicate an iron deficiency, so consider taking a daily iron supplement along with a vitamin C supplement to help the body absorb the iron.

Are Dark Circles Related To Liver?

Liver Problems – Dark circles can be a sign of liver disease. Aging – As collagen is lost and skin becomes thinner as we age, dark circles can become more noticeable and more permanent.

What Is The Root Cause Of Dark Circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by being tired. Sometimes, what appear to be dark circles under your eyes may merely be shadows cast by puffy eyelids or hollows under your eyes that develop as a normal part of aging. Dark circles under the eyes usually aren’t a medical problem.

Can Low Vitamin D Cause Dark Spots On Face?

Kaufman concluded that darker skin pigmentation is associated with lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration. Serum vitamin D level also appears to be related to intake of vitamin D – rich foods and multivitamins containing vitamin D, but not self-reported level of sun exposure or use of sun protection.


With the help of my above article, you have understood what causes dark circles in detail. Dark circles appear under your eyes mostly due to fatigue, age, vitamin deficiency, and eye strain. So, make sure to treat them quickly as they might look very bad if remain untreated. Once you know what deficiency causes dark circles, you can easily treat them at home!


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Can iron deficiency cause dark circles under eyes?